Why hasn't there been a mass exodus? My closest friend in my last congregation sums it up: "Where else can we go?"
"Better the devil you know" attitude!
i remember when that came out, my mother didn't catch it in the original article in the wt.
it was in one of the review "do you remember" thingies that she caught it.
she asked me if it means what she thought it meant.
Why hasn't there been a mass exodus? My closest friend in my last congregation sums it up: "Where else can we go?"
"Better the devil you know" attitude!
in my psychology studies we've been examining the use of "labels" and how they influence peoples behaviour.
i sometimes wonder if the gb or their helpers know exactly what they're doing when it comes to psychological manipulation.. it's been observed that by labeling someone or something it changes your entire perception of that person or thing.
it colours it entirely, quite unfairly in some cases.
Pale Emperor - "I sometimes wonder if the GB or their helpers know exactly what they're doing when it comes to psychological manipulation."
Nope, but I am convinced that the real high-control group leaders - the faceless and nameless ones who in reality master the multi-billion dollar cult - have over the decades employed the services of individuals who advised/directed on the use of psychological techniques.
It's been said before - it's totally ludicrous to think that the 8 king-priests in Warwick (KP) could run a bath, let alone a billion dollar corporation.
Remember KP NUTS? Well that's who JW's have ruling them - 8 self-serving nuts!
while enjoying one of my favourite snacks the other day, (hula hoops) i suddenly had this thought; if ever a metal nut is hard to loosen with a wrench, usually a a couple of sharp hits with a hammer is enough to break the grip of whatever is holding it - usually rust.
similarly, crunching on foods which can impart small shockwaves to a capped tooth could have the same effect and cause the hardened dental cement to fracture and loosen the crown.
While enjoying one of my favourite snacks the other day, (Hula Hoops) I suddenly had this thought; if ever a metal nut is hard to loosen with a wrench, usually a a couple of sharp hits with a hammer is enough to break the grip of whatever is holding it - usually rust. Similarly, crunching on foods which can impart small shockwaves to a capped tooth could have the same effect and cause the hardened dental cement to fracture and loosen the crown. (cap)
I Googled and found a site which warns against eating certain foods if you have capped teeth.
Just a thought.
oh dear, i recently made a comment about an elder being dogmatic.
and one of his best buddies sent me a wt article to help me realign my mind or something.
this is where reality separates from fantasy and fiction.
Elders? Men who are willing to sacrifice all traces of human decency and reasoning in order to keep their position of authority and the approval of their charlatan masters.
Try saying this to one of these wolves in sheep's clothing, and see if they are prepared to follow the Bible's counsel:
"Excuse me brother Elder, but I have to say that in all my years as a servant of Jehovah, [WTBTS] I've never met a single Elder who ever applied this Bible teaching to themselves" - ....Openly confess your sins to one another. (James 5:16)
2018-04-16-boebeards and special privilegeshttps://we.tl/qoxbkltp4latlantis!.
Thanks again Atlantis!
A simple scriptural 'Yes' or 'No' by the self-appointed "faithful slave" would have sufficed. (food at the proper time, blah, blah, blah)
But no, devious & slimy wording and obfuscation in order to suppress male JW's freedom of choice. Control is everything to the mentally diseased (Tm) priests in Warwick.
i wasn't so sure how to add title in this topic.
i went back to the borg, for family reasons and the concept was after a year or so to fade out.
i m into the fade out process now.
You have a PM with some crucial points to apply when fading. I wish you as peaceful a fade as me and my better half have experienced. (so far)
perhaps this line of questioning could agitate a jw's thinking.
it can't hurt.. you: is shunning a biblical teaching?.
jw: yes.. you: so it must be god's law?.
w83 4/1 p. 24 par. 18 Reject Apostasy, Cling to the Truth!
"Therefore, no loyal modern-day witness of Jehovah (not Christ!) would greet a disfellowshipped or disassociated apostate or allow that one to use his Christian home as a place from which to spread doctrinal error."
That's what Kingdom Halls are for - to spread doctrinal error, but primarily to make money for a U.S. "charity" which doesn't declare its income & expenditure to the suckers who donate.
Isn't "God's earthly organization" a shining example of openness and honesty!!!!!!!
do you have the facts?.
page 3 - as true christians, we need to develop the ability to evaluate information and reach accurate conclusions.. page 4 - it is especially important to avoid (view) websites promoted by apostates.
(awakened jw's) their whole purpose is to tear down (inform) god’s people and to distort (reveal) the truth.
Do You Have the Facts?
Page 3 - AS TRUE Christians, we need to develop the ability to evaluate information and reach accurate conclusions.
4 - It is especially important to avoid (view) websites promoted by apostates. (awakened JW's) Their whole purpose is to tear down (inform) God’s people and to distort (reveal) the truth.
5 - Do not be naive, or gullible. Be sure you
have the facts.
6 - Yes, leaning too heavily on our own
understanding (instead of the org's) can become a snare. Our emotions and personal ideas
could begin to govern our thinking. (heaven forbid!!) We may begin to feel that we can
look at a situation and understand it even though we do not have all
the facts. (the org's version!)
Givers Are Happy People
Page 22 - Of course, selfless giving, kindness, and generosity can be shown in many ways and in many areas of your Christian life and ministry, with rewarding results. The following article will explore some of these ways and areas.
perhaps this line of questioning could agitate a jw's thinking.
it can't hurt.. you: is shunning a biblical teaching?.
jw: yes.. you: so it must be god's law?.
Perhaps this line of questioning could agitate a JW's thinking. It can't hurt.
YOU: Is shunning a Biblical teaching?
JW: Yes.
YOU: So it must be God's law?
JW: Yes.
YOU: If it's God's law, can it be disregarded by some JW's, but not others?
JW: No, of course not, all Christians must obey God's laws.
YOU: So God's laws don't depend on where a person lives?
JW: Huh????????
YOU: Well, according to your religion, if a JW who lives at home with their parents and siblings gets disfellowshipped, their family association continues as normal. But if that individual later moved into an apartment next door, they would be regarded as if they were dead. Can you show me in the Bible where this discriminatory "law of God" is laid out?
and now it's 2018 and we are still here.
that's like saying back in 1930 the events of the civil war show we are in the last days!
it has now been that long!.
JW's should take the time to examine Mr. Clarke's 19th century commentary and explanation of the verse by verse fulfilment Matthew 24.
Perhaps they will then admit that when Jesus said the great tribulation would not occur again, he must have meant it!